Cosmic Patterns Software is once again the first in Astrology Software Industry that offers the amazing Art Wheels!

Kepler Art Wheels were created for Kepler lovers! The Kepler program comes with 30 Art Wheels for you to enjoy.

Kepler Software has 30 Artwheels - check out samples below

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Due to the tremendous request we received from Kepler Lovers, Kepler Art Wheel
"The Pastel Collection" is born. The CD gives you an additonal 138 Art Wheels that can be selected from within the Kepler program.

This art wheel collection includes a wide variety of themes and styles. Throughout the entire collection, the most consistent quality is the subtle and exquisite colors. The Pastel Collection of 138 art wheels adds a new dimension to your Kepler Superb Astrology Software, and will delight your clients and customers with an inspiring and uplifting work of art!

Add this art wheel collection to your Kepler. Delight in the faces of your customers and their love ones when they see for the first time the gift that will last a lifetime!

Kepler Pastal Collection is a CD full of beautiful chart wheels that can be added to Kepler. Designed by graphic artist Paul Guess, the planetary positions are placed within these exquisitely beautiful chart wheel images. These chart wheels are best printed on a color printer using glossy paper.


There are 138 Pastal Art Wheels in the collection, and there is a portrait (normal) and landscape (sideways) version of each art wheel.

In most art wheels the planet positions in the wheel are printed with a shadowed or outline font so that the information has a more 3-dimensional or artistic quality than if the planet positions were printed with a normal, plain text format.
This unique collection of art wheels has a variety of different themes that include:

Nature Celestial Elemental Business Children Romance
Celtic Oriental Egyptian Indian Mandalas



The Pastel Collection has 138 more, here are just a few! Click to enlarge view.

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